Saturday, December 25, 2010

"Post-Protestant" Social Needs

A Protestant Christmas »

Posted 3 hours ago FIRESTORMS: We are leaving the age of biting oppression and moving into the age of khilafa[t] ‘ala(y) nubbuwa[t]

One of the biggest greatest mistake this ‘umma[t] is making is that it waiting for The Age of Fitaan to began when in truth, we are actually exiting it!

The greatest fitna[t] ever to hit mankind: The Democracy Shirk are finally being exposed and attack ruthlessly by the ahlu-(al)-ssunna[t] all over the Earth, with ‘amiyru-(a)l-muw^miniyn Abuw ‘Usthmaan leading the pack by declaring all proponents of Democracy to be murtaddiyn within The Kafkaz ‘Emirate and decreed that upon comfirmation to be a dog of Democracy they are to be hunted down and executed.Allaahu Akbaar! Al-‘hamduwli-(a)llaah.

Of course in Malaysia, we are bit “lembab” (slow) to act compare to the rest of the ‘umma[t].

It will be hell of a courtcase in Al-Miyzaan comes Al-Qiyaama[t]! Indeed!

On one side, we have heavy weights of the ‘umma[t] like ‘amiyru-(a)l-muw^miniyn Dokka ‘Umarov, ‘amiyru-(a)l-muw^miniyn Abuw ‘Umar Al-Bargdaadiy, ‘amiyru-(a)l-muw^miniyn Mu’hammad ‘Umar, ‘Amiyr Kha’t’taab, ‘Usaama[t] bin Laadin, Abuw Mu’hammad Al-Maqdisiy, Abuw Hamza[t] Al-Mi’sriy, the awliyaa^ of kafkaz, the awliyaa^ of afrganistaan, the commanders of IMU, A(l)-sh-shabaab etc. all whom have reject Democracy as kufr, shirk and ‘targuwt. (I could go further and add the mashuyukh of the salaafees like Ibn Baaz and ibn Usthamiyn into the list, but i’ll pass them as there are even salaafees who reject them).

On the other side, the likes of Abuw Ridda[t] (abdul Roman), Abuw Ribaa (Abdul Rosak), Abuw Fisq (Husayn Ong), Abuw Fas’d (Mahathir), Abuw Nifaaq (Bodo-Way) & Abuw ‘Zulm (Najibulaat) - The R.A.H.M.A.N OF MALAYA. And ofcourse, the dogs of Pas such as Hadi B.Awang, and Mr.Rafi’da[t] Mat Sabu. who first try to (read this carefully):

1. First step, validate Democracy in Al-Islaam.

2. Then, put Al-Islaam under Democracy!


I know for a MUBIYN fact that idiot Hadiy B.awang and his PAS dogs is guilty of this heresy (zindiqa[t]). Read it with my own eyes!

Its not my place to tell you whom you should side with. You have been given The Furqaan, so use it wisely!

Remember takfiyr has been made! When takfiyr being made, with neither side relenting, then the case is taken up by the malaa^ika[t] to be filed at Miyzaan to be judge by Allaah personally at Qiyaama[t]. Once takfiyr is made, one of the two groups above is going to Jahannam and not coming out of it.

Stop playing around people.Take Islaam seriously already.

U.S. forges ahead to wars and economic collapse

Publication time: 26 November 2011, 12:46

An American website published a critical article on the US policy, which, according to the authors, leads the nation to endless wars and economic collapse.

The article identifies three events, which, in the opinion of the website, demand explanation, as the Western media do not want to bring to the people the sense of what is happening.

First, the candidates for president from the Republican Party held pre-election debates. Second, the Russian president made a statement about his country’s response to Washington’s missile bases surrounding his country. And third, the German government’s bond auction failed.

- As the presstitute media will not inform us of what any of this means, let me try, the author writes.

With the exception of Ron Paul, the only candidate in either party qualified to be the president of the US, the rest of the Republican candidates are even worst than Obama, a president who had the country behind him but sold out the American people to the special interests.

No newly elected president in memory, neither John F. Kennedy nor Ronald Reagan, had the extraordinary response to his election as Barack Obama. A record-breaking number of people braved the cold to witness his swearing in ceremony. The mall was filled for miles distant from the Capitol with Americans who could not see the ceremony except as televised on giant screens.

Obama had convinced the electorate that he would end the wars, stop the violation of law by the US government, end the regime of illegal torture, close the torture prison of Guantanamo, and attend to the real needs of the American people rather than stuff the pockets of the military/security complex with taxpayers’ money.

Once in office, Obama renewed and extended the Bush/Cheney/neoconservative wars. He validated the Bush regime’s assaults on the US Constitution. He left Wall Street in charge of US economic policy, he absolved the Bush regime of its crimes, and he assigned to the American people the financial cost necessary to preserve the economic welfare of the mega-rich.

One would think such a totally failed president would be easy to defeat. Given an historic opportunity, the Republican Party has put before the electorate the most amazingly stupid and vile collection of prospects, with the exception of Ron Paul who does not have the party’s support, that Americans have ever seen.

In the November 22 presidential “debate,” the candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, revealed themselves as a collection of ignorant warmongers who support the police state. Gingrich and Cain said that Muslims “want to kill us all” and that “all of us will be in danger for the rest of our lives”.

Bachmann said that the American puppet state, Pakistan, is “more than an existential threat.” The moron Bachmann has no idea what is “more than an existential threat.” However, it sounded heavy, like an intellectual thing to say for the candidate who previously declared the long-defunct Soviet Union to be today’s threat to the US.

Unfortunately for Americans and the world, the US electorate lacks the intelligence and the awareness of their plight as denizens of a police state to elect Ron Paul, the last defender — together with Rep. Dennis Kucinich — of the US Constitution. Nevertheless, there would be a silver lining in one of the Republican morons being elected president of the “world’s only superpower.”

Once the rest of the world realized that a war-crazed idiot had his or her finger on the nuclear button, the rest of the world would organize and close down the Washington horror before it destroys life on earth.

Any sentient American who watched or read about the Republican presidential debate must wonder what there is to be thankful for as the national holiday approaches.

This the part that interest me: So let me put it in a nutshell:

1. The Bear. Russia. NUCLEAR POWER. Its already on a direct collision course with America. With The Party of Shay’taan and The Yahuwd leading the subterfuge and no one opposing them (WAKE UP YAA AHLU-(AL)-SSUNNA[T]! WAKE UP… stop “civilizing” already). Its a sure as as going to happen as World War 1 and World War 2! She will have 3 ribs . My best guess is the three European power-players WHO HISTORY HAS SHOWN NEVER LIKED TO BE PUSHED AROUND: Britain, France and Germany.

2. The Lion with and eagle head. The Gryphon. The Aryans. ie. Iyraan AND India (which is ruled by mainly by the aryan caste)…both are NUCLEAR POWERS. America make no secret it wants to trade blow with the creator of the Chess game. Damn you American are stupid. We could include Pakistan in there as well i guess as America is sure pissing them off too!

3. The Jaguar. Jaguar not the leopard. No prophet of Israa^iyl can tell the difference between a jaguar and a leopard as they never seen a jaguar. Show them a jaguar and they’ll say, ” Leopord! Leopord i tell you! Err.. what is this thing you call “iaguar”? “ ie. Brazil. NUCLEAR POWER. Which is one of the axis of anti-America alliance in Latin America. She will have four wings: Currently Venezuela which America is dependent on her oil supply AND CANNOT EFFORT TO BE DESTABILIZE less their oil supply will be interrupted is playing the front man. I wonder who make up the three other wings though…

4. The cold steel beast. A GODLESS NATION. A communist nation. China. NUCLEAR POWER. Something tell me that Japan and Korea will have a change of heart and jump alliance soon. There is no secret America fear a rising China. And in trying to dictate to control it, piss it off in the process.

How to kill America? Why, in truth, all it takes is just a…


Brazil.Russia.India/Iyraan (Aryans).China.

So who created the BRIC? You will find a lot of Yahweh-stiffnecks’ names that for sure.

Before we go any further, again I want to re-iterate to you, especially to those sanely thinking kuffaar, what Shaykh Aymaan A(l)-zd-zdawaahiriy has hinted: WE MUSLIMUWN DON’T USE NUKES. IT CREATE GREAT FAS’D ON EARTH, THIS IS FORBIDDEN ON US BY ALLAAH. WE MUSLIMUWN ARE TASKED TO MAINTAIN THE EARTH NOT CORRUPT IT.

So stop crapping Iyraan is one of us. Tell your people that Iyraan is not one of us, and that when the time comes, The Khurasaan ‘Emirate will deal decisively with The Rafi’da[t] inshaa^Allaah.

Now lets see some facts:

1. Sooner or later, all these nation will realize that AMERICA CANNOT PAY HER DEBT ANYMORE [check it out yourself i don’t even know how much is that:] and there is no point in keeping this deadweight trash anymore. Time to cut our losses and get rid of this arrogant piss-head.

2. America CAN NO LONGER CONTAIN THE BLESSED AL-QAA^IDA[T] RANGERS, despite their cock-talk, Al-Qaa^ida[t] is spreading steadily, latest development require the Europeans to sent in their special-ops to Central Africa to train the local ‘tawargiyt in order to counter Al-Qaa^ida[t] which is fast spreading there. Since America has fail, she is no longer fit to lead The A’hzaab alliance. One way or the other she must and will be dethrone.

3. America has undone the Europeans SUCCESSFUL schemes to contain and lullaby the Muslimuwn to sleep since their defeat at the hands of the Sword of Allaah A(l)-nnaasir: Salahu-(al)-ddiyn. 819 years of hard work has gone down the drain thanks to America. All that hard work, the sacrifice, the wars…. all gone in a period of 10 years! A taw’hiyd hurricane is steering in the East thanks to the machinations of America.

And who is going to have to face them? Who will have to face the brunt of their atttack? Who is going to have to pull up their sons and fight them to prevent Al-Islaam from overpowering them?


There are lots of pissed Europeans leaders i dare say, but Europeans are good at hiding their enmity though.

Prepare to be back-stabbed by your own most trusted allies O America.

4.. AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT: With her fihtly dream of Pax-Judaica and becoming the eternal uno-ultra-mega-superpower state; she must have a tool to keep proud nations that don’t like to push around like The Germans, The Iyraanians etc in check. In order for little filthy Israa^iyl to hold the entire world hostage with her 200+ nuclear arsenal, SHE MUST FIRST EMPTY OUT ALL THE WORLD’S NUCLEAR ARSENAL STOCKADE! You think that stupid chicken-shit of a monkey state dare to go toe-to-toe in a straight fight with the likes of Germany who gob-smack the whole of Europe in two world wars?

So expect a massive nuclear attack on America BY ALL THE NUCLEAR POWERS IN THE WORLD, courtesy of the Yahuw’d… and The Party of Shay’taan.

If I am an American, i start rounding up and purging out of America all those filhty Yahuw’d from the land as a last ditch attempt to save America from destruction. Still going to fail though, America still going to be toast, but hey! Kuffar are qadariya[t].

O people of A(l)-ddunya! By HIM in whose Hands my soul is, I warn you against Israaa^iyl and the Yahuw’d! If you don’t fight them, then certainly they are fighting against all of you akums (animals)!

5. Since America herself is a nuclear power and is capable of toasting the entire Earth 20 times over with her own nuclear arsenal. Oh America how could you? You damn hypocrite! Therefore she must be destroy within a single day. No chance of retaliation must be permitted. If she survive the attack, then she is going to fire back -full assault. So holds no barred. Emptied out every nuclear missile on her.

The Russian government decided that it has been taking too many risks in the name of peace. Dmitry Medvedev said in a televised address to the Russian people, that if Washington goes ahead with its planned missile bases surrounding Russia, Russia will respond with new nuclear missiles of its own, which will target the Amerikan bases and European capital cities.

OK. If you don’t realize what Russia is doing here, here’s the score card:.

1. America nuke Russia to kingdom come.

2. Nuclear fallout spread into Europe.

3. Russia nuke America and European cities to smoking ruins.

In this scenario, who is it going to take the brunt of the attack?

Answer: Europe.

So what is Europe going to do? I tell you what they are going to do. When the time comes, they are going to disable the part of the Americans’ Missile Defense system that has been erected on their territories. It’s just pure simple logical survival, the only way to protect Europe is to sacrifice America. Let America eat the nukes and the great oceans will provide some measure of protection against the nuclear fall out.

Better America than Europe.

Of course, there is another ally-enemy America do not for see: Canada.

Tell me, if you are Canadians, and you know America is going to get nuke to a wasteland, what will you do? Once America is lit, the nuclear fallout is going to practically destroy Canada too! So what will you do? Join America in Earthly Hell?

Or do you, knowing full well the repercussion on Canada, negotiate with the Europeans and Russians to allow safe passage for Canadians to exodus en mass into their lands in return of helping them disabling America’s Missile Defense System in order to nuke her to inhabitable desert?

That’s right chummies. The second option! Canada is going to backstab America too by shutting down the radars to allows Europeans and Russians’ aireal “chariots’ (jets) to cross over into the Americas (the shortest route is through the Arctic) in order to pre-empt America’s ability to block the oncoming nukes.

Again, its just pure simple logic and survival on Canada’s part. Canada are Christians too you know, they read The Scripture, they know America going to get nuke.




And since you took out NASA, and everybody is grappling with a nuclear winter, nobody even realize A(l)-‘t’taariq is coming to cleanse the Earth of your doings!

Kuffar are all idiots.

Kaboom! …fajr - Hijjazi time. Meaning right during daylight for -what’s left of - you Americans! Enjoy.

Just Allaah’s way to tell you that “God Bless America” is your own created lie. Allaah has nothing to do with such statement. Just like Allaah has nothing to do with “tak akan Melayu hilang dari dunya” rubbish. Just another lie.

Want to bet your souls on that O Melayus?!?!


Any Muslim can see that “tak akan Melayu hilang dari dunya” is an “eternal statement”. Its the domain and exclusive rights of Allaah alone. Hang Tuah or is it Kasim Ahmaad(?) has signed our death warrant. That idiot should be lynch mobbed and crucify i tell you. That damn kalb!

He said that the Russian government has asked Washington for legally binding guarantees that the American missile bases are not intended as a threat to Russia, but that Washington has refused to give such guarantees.

Medvedev’s statement is perplexing. What does he mean “if Washington goes ahead”? The American missile and radar bases are already in place. Russia is already surrounded. Is Medvedev just now aware of what is already in place?

Belief in Washington’s trustworthiness even pervades the Russian government, which apparently, according to Medvedev’s statement, would be reassured by a “legally binding guarantee” from Washington. After the massive lies told by Washington in the 21st century — “weapons of mass destruction,” “al Qaeda connections,” “Iranian nukes” — why would anyone put any credence in “a legally binding guarantee” from Washington? The guarantee would mean nothing. How could it be enforced? Such a guarantee would simply be another deceit in Washington’s pursuit of world hegemony.

Another extraordinary development — the failure of a German government bond auction, an unparalleled event.

Why would Germany, the only member of the EU with financial rectitude, not be able to sell 35% of its offerings of 10-year bonds? Germany has no debt problems, and its economy is expected by EU and US authorities to bear the lion’s share of the bailout of the EU member countries that do lack financial rectitude.

I suspect that the answer to this question is that the failure of the German government’s bond auction was orchestrated by the US, by EU authorities, especially the European Central Bank, and private banks in order to punish Germany for obstructing the purchase of EU member countries’ sovereign debt by the European Central Bank.

The German government has been trying to defend the terms on which Germany gave up control over its own currency and joined the EU. By insisting on the legality of the agreements, Germany has been standing in the way of the ECB behaving as the US Federal Reserve and monetizing the debt of member governments.

From the beginning, the EU was a conspiracy against Germany. If Germany remains in the EU, Germany will be destroyed. It will lose its political and economic sovereignty, and its economy will be bled in behalf of the fiscally irresponsible members of the EU.

If Greeks will not submit to the tyranny, why should Germans?

Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center


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