Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Paleoconservative Riddle

 A Paleoconservative is not an upper case (L)ibertarian. Such ideology encourages a licentious social policy. The crowd that was popularly behind the Ron Paul Revolution around 2008 were for pot, prostitution and postmodern nihilsm. With a disregard for nation-state and espousing a belief in a governing global free market. An unfettered free-market without Government regulation - would bring tyranny without nation-states. The problem is not government regulation, but what kind of government regulation. Picture multinational corporations as the global government.

 Also, a Paleoconservative is not a so-called white nationalist (internationlists). Have you noticed these supposed 'nationalists' advocate a white one-worldism? An aspect of an all encompassing whiteness is the use of european-american, something paleos reject as an afront on our americentric/nativist character. In the 90's european-american was espoused as a technical term by multi-culturalists. These types have filled a void in paleoconservatism that is not genuine...They are no doubt postmodern and of a foreign element. The saught balkanization of the races is due to a post-counterculture realization that whites are now indifferent to eachother--having eliminated their prospective distinctions. Whites--at least those northwest and northeast of France--tend to value individual autonomy and that was our distinction from the tribalism of the savage. Although i understand the argument that those of the previous system and its supporters were mainly white, they surely weren't an all encompassing white - headed by pagan kinism. Another funny thing about these types is they exclude Eastern European Mohammedans, white Mid-easterners and those of the Hindustan area.

 Lastly - A Paleoconservative is not a neoconservative. Neoconservatives are the quintessential Rockerfeller Republicans and despite the accusation of the same--it is they who are on the left. Of wich some charasteristics are a international nation-building that's intervention replaces (or is a right hand of) the United Nations. Of a rationalization or fondness regarding the counter culture's social revolution and its civil rights movement and Act. With its accompanied 'political correctness', hate speech legislation and the welfare-managerial state. The neoconservative free-market is regulated to suit the agenda of its financial backers. In other words: the military-industrial-complex has a market component.

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At February 26, 2011 at 8:05 AM , Blogger Oldrightie said...

Picture multinational corporations as the global government.
"I feel their presence every waking hour."

At February 26, 2011 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Toyin O. said...

Very informative,I love learning new things, thanks for sharing.

At February 28, 2011 at 5:40 AM , Blogger no_slappz said...

YOu wrote:

The crowd that was popularly behind the Ron Paul Revolution around 2008 were for pot, prostitution and postmodern nihilsm.

Legalized drug sales and ully legalized prostitution would destroy the nation. As we know, the federal, state and local governments in the US have already formed de facto partnershhips with tobacco companies as a method of raising tax revenue.

It's simple. No one objects to abusively high taxation of addicts. Thus, the taxes levied on pot and every subsequently legalized drug will face no popular opposition. From this experience, the government will adjust to legalizing more drugs, and the more addictive the drugs, the more tax revenue their sales will generate.

Drug addiction ties in nicely with prostitution. Legalized drugs portend a large population of addicted prostitutes who become captives of these two lawful forces ruining their lives. It's a nightmare scenario.

With a disregard for nation-state and espousing a belief in a governing global free market. An unfettered free-market without Government regulation - would bring tyranny without nation-states.

True. Government must establish the playing field. And it must be designed to promote the welfare of all people. Not their destruction.


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