Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Thrice the Hate

Thievery, sloth, and glottony
as the nigger
defines freedom.

There the white woman
befriends the oppressed.

sexual sacrifice for the social gospel.
Crucified upon the Black's phallus--as glorified corpse of the Black is redeemed and its own eucharest.

Inside the Black Church #2
Neither Protestant nor Christian at all, as they state their confession of faith. Christianity tried to make me its slave
as they strip naked, having nothing to hide.
Further declaring its pentegram sex.

Who will offer themselves, or who will they take? Catholics offer themselves and the Jewish offer spiritual support.

One law, one love, one nation; as mullato babies bring a better hair, skin, thinking, and psycho-spiritual dynamic... To reign in afro-Egyptology as former Negro --now Black-- eats.

Catholic Nigger Sucks the Big One
As the nigger unholy diver grabs the penis
of Christian man, he attempts to
masturbate God away.
Holding his penis the nigger realizes
his fate. With fist in the air,
the nigger grabs satan's dick
and hence the orgy of satan.
Bodies drop out of the sky, as
the nigger fornicates.
Holding the fruition of the megatherion- - on their necks. As the nigger opens their own mouth, belly, and womb heading for heaven.
Their inner-eye blinks, as the demon leaps, leaving only Black flesh. Burning and shedding, leaving only bone.
The nigger blood defies gravity--joining with its skin--it becomes satan's dick. Than jacks-off all over the world...Saying i am mandingo: eat me, beat me, make me bleed, kinky sex is all i need.
As the white nigger, white slave is ravished for the niggers freedom. The secrets of free-masonry revealed as the niggers head falls.