Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anti-Catholic Whoppers

Via De La Rosa

What a marvel,
vibrant in crimson,
graceful is your life;
as you lived it
in death--
you are dear.


"That's Irrelevent*"

When discussing one man & one woman regarding God's revelation, prefering Natual Law.

*Ask The Priest Feb. 9 2016 EWTN Radio


Newtonian Physics (Ode to the Church That Overly Sites Natural Law)

the reality
of Scripture
in Napolean's Church*.

Bonus 1, 2 & 3

1. Point for Ethical Monotheism
2. Point for further Judaizing
3. Point for Dominion (calling for the subjegation of Mohammdans).

*On Book Talk, Jesus and the Jihadists, EWTN radio, Feb. 12 2016


Secret Letters

The Pope sent secret letters to Obama and Castro last year urging relations.

After the Pontiff's homily
regarding ideology,
a privatized faith,
and consumerism
he is compelled.


The Song of Vatican 2

You never said goodbye,
you just walked-out --
that back door*.

As if i'd never notice.

*Jesus' Heart


Ode to the Counter-Reformation

If only Luther would have waited, there would of been no need for him.



If you do God's will,
at the right precise time,
you could skip purgetory*.

Men try,
men fail
from that triumphant will;
as they ponder,
hauntedly wondering,
if they made it.

But not Enoch and Mary.

*"Mother Angelica"

The Ecclesial Community

In their natural state
they want, wonder, and are wooed.

As the Devil's miracle
overcomes them.

Constitutions, The Enlightenment and The Masonic Lodge
are invoked.

As Vatican II
looks on,
its place.


Oh Protestant stereotype, in their ideals, you were concieved.

*Martin Luther's People at Trent

The Marian Apparition

Approaching in their attempted dream:
Mary they emplore,
heed your own call for our sake.


The Sacred Heart of Mary

Not the godhead is she,
her own heart dependent on her Son;
as she genuflects.

*In the Grave



Guardian Angel

Raphael appears
as themselves;
believing it is true.

As he leaves,
they behold,
He that is, was, and ever shall be.

Wanting more
they beckon him to return


Ode to the Thirty to Eighty Years War

...Is the contrast
good and evil.

Who is still fighting;
who has surrendered?

The Masonic Mantra

Iniquity of the Medieval
ancient sin


The God of Wrath Revealed at the Showing

 Revelation re-instated,
manifest: in the Third Secret of Fatima

© Whitey_Lawful