Friday, January 24, 2025

Do you need to watch these to know Revolutions are a transgression against God?



His Puritan/Pilgrim rationalization is less than to be desired.

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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Not Saved At

Ten New Christian* Convictions About Jews and Judaism

  1. Jews remain in a covenantal relationship with God.

  2. Anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism are sins against God.

  3. The Christian tradition has contributed to historical anti-Semitism. Certain New Testament texts pose difficulties in this regard if improperly understood.

  4. There exists a divinely-willed ongoing relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Judaism has its own distinctive purpose in the divine plan that goes beyond mere preparation for Christianity.

  5. Jesus was and always remained a Galilean Jew; he can only be understood from within that cultural and religious matrix.

  6. Christians must learn to understand and affirm Jewish self-understanding of their own religious experience. This includes a respect for Jewish attachment to Eretz Yisrael.

  7. Christians can learn more about God and relationship with God (and about Christianity) from the traditions of Judaism over the centuries and from the living faith of contemporary Jews.

  8. The Hebrew Scriptures (TaNaKh) have their own spiritual value as revelatory texts independent of the Church’s retrospective christological reading of them.

  9. Earlier Christian understandings of the relationship between the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" in terms of promise and fulfillment need to be expanded with a futurist eschatology. In other words, what has been promised remains to be completely fulfilled.

  10. Jews and Christians both have the covenantal responsibility to prepare the world for the Age to Come.

* The following churches are among those that have issued official statements that articulate most or all of these ten points: American Baptist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church USA, Roman Catholic Church, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, and the World Council of Churches. This list is by no means exhaustive. It should be noted that these statement have different degrees of authority within their respective traditions according to the polity of each community.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Three for Free


The Omen

All the sacredotal power entombed 
of your police class
"Wesley you are an offense
to this administration"

from the choir
as the catholics realise they have no god

This miracle, that hate
those souls,
of antichrist

Magistrate and magisterium suck
For forbidden knowledge
Lo the devils dick.



The seemingly infinite world maze
Of the baphomet
this Masonic Marxian Judaic Niggerism
hail the Afrikaner
as the cross explodes


Three Mohammedan families
In the holy see
Francis in the guesthouse
As they blah blah from the balcony

© S. Wesley Mcganor

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Censored at Facebook

Bonus Link

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Protestant State is A must have.

The Story of Londonderry

Monday, February 15, 2021

Some Stuff


Another Religious Poem

not God's
but man's.

You know the ones:
that two kingdoms
civil authority
that the Jewish
and Blacks depend on.

Hadith type stuff too
-like that temple curtain torn
that compromised ethical monotheism
for Christ's liberty-
common law of course
but surviving not is the laws of nature.

What did that law of physics rebbe say?


The Puritan Magic Trick

Apostolic Succession and the priesthood,
too much or two little,
as the congregation demands the reservation Reformation:
Undermined Lord's Supper and no episcopate?

Corrupt are these positions —
their stature;
not far above,
nor equal in height.

Even among Local Preachers,
of those whom have denounced the two:
they want,
and in the form of their elders/deacons/bishops/assistant pastors

...and their blood line
--exulted from the congregation—
as the Table's call is made.
The stumbling block..?


Via Media Tale

Where Is The Third Way?
...the real Protestant sort
we'll line up the Anglocatholics and take them to the port.

Off to Rome
heave ho
or back to the college class,
to conceive another insincere theology,
insincere Anglican
or at least half and half?


The Other New Way


Betterment because

improvements made

with new contempt

or Preterism.

Suffering for Christ




Paul says by recommendation and not commandment.


"Man A Natural Enemy of God"

Murder at the table,
Cromwell will you be King,
Staying in England to ransack more,
others coming to Colonial shores,
with Maryland their co-conspirators,
and a grape juice Lord's cup.

Pope, nope
Just pilgrims wanting their own and yours
Take down the stained glass,
Crosses with figures
and art depictions.
Because pope, nope, you dope.

Hope in the innuendo and hysteria
Anabaptist like,
complete with drowning their second baptism.
Crowning this world.

Ticking temporal
as the never-do-wells
Deist/Reform god goes boom!


Pagan Ceremonial Burnt Offering*

"Teachings of contempt for Jews and Judaism in certain Christian
traditions proved a spawning ground for the evil of the Nazi
Holocaust*. The Church must learn so to preach and teach the
Gospel as to make sure that it cannot be used towards contempt
for Judaism and against the Jewish". -Official statement of the Anglican/Episcopal Church.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Already Decedent

  1.  https://americ/2020/02/superbowl-halftime-show-photos
  2.   2006
  3. Appropriating "Black Culture"?
  4. ~ Full Halftime Show

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Three for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany


is one 
of your 
post-modern terms used to dodge 
opposition. Why would a person be tolerant 
when they're opposed?

Mother of the Orphans


cannot survive



Can’t we just mean: the church universal?

Whom will guide the Protestants’?

Orthodox, will you parent us?

We must seemingly at least, justify our dissent and disdain for mother.

The carnal ecumenism movement had embraced us,

with open arms,

we suckle on mother’s bruised teat…

In bed with the world,

as we fornicate,

giving forth deformed progeny:

we shall name it — bastard.

Eve of the Palistinian State #2

Awaiting the blessing
of the international community, 
arab community request property rights. 
Finally surrounding "Israel". 
Amalekite vengeance is upon them.

Ode To Amalekite King:

Amalekite king defeated death & hell and shed his blood for mans' salvation. Destroying legalism with the law’s spirit… Something neither know anything of.

Round & round
the brainwash
as time pauses
looking for more
the acting
or/and portrayal
as religions or/and (a) religion
is made 
to fail
or/and affirm

© S. Wesley Mcgranor

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Magisterial Protestant Summary of Natural Law

                                                                                                                               The Cult of Reason


save me;
let me feel your grace,
your presence
within me -
creator, redeemer, sustainer
you are savior!
Er, or a means of grace?
omnipotent, omniscient...
Reasoning mankind and creating 
a moral code,
they take their supreme being 
nice and easy:
The Deist clockmaker comes 
to terms 
the Reformed Confession (and vise versa) 
as man realizes
natural law:

It is only sodomy if it is homosexual, amen.  

© S. Wesley Mcgranor


                                                   The Cult of the Supreme Being

Friday, February 7, 2020

Doing Drugs With The Letter Of The Law

In the D.A.R.E. carnival ride s.u.v....

Dazed and confused, with 
the will to be
or a reason to be

I look upon my peers,
at recess
and in the classroom,
where I find
to do.

The officer is my buddy.
The officer cares.
The officer knows a lot about baseball!

Passing out bubble gum and baseball cards
helping the children in need.

There is a treat coming to your school:

Story time statistics of the (dead) letter of the law.

Uninspiring the children to a life of drug abuse.

Since they know not the (living) spirit of the law.

Drugged for childhood, 
the self-abandoned -- 
immature in their nihilist chemistry.

and in my room,
I find
to do.

In the D.A.R.E. carnival ride s.u.v.,
passing out bubble gum and
baseball cards; helping the children in need.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Four to A.J.B.

Making Face

and brown
like her 
and face.

There she talked
without words.

But saying 
something not disregarded  
but heeded 
at the same time
and next.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor

Black Sunshine

The luminous glow
of the moon
was romantic
i recall
and thinking of God's glory
his creation.

Yet that was the moon.

Her smile
was pure...


© S. Wesley Mcgranor 


More Animated
Summer time -

the romantic time -

for picnic in the park -

with obscene erection;

she has a smile -

that is not dirty -

but is clean,

and praiseful,

witnessing the heavens -

declare our glory.



Sin is puzzled...

Assuming wrongly it pauses.

Beefsteak lollipop creamhorn,

and chocolate cake,

cherry bon bon,


with coffee.

Shocking the sordid and sullen, as they look for wicked to relate to.

The warmth of God upon us...

Elohim, Adonai, Tetrgrammaton, Jesus!


Libertarian Free-Will

An option to love
is no guilty smile,
no dirty wile,
but a smile that says I love you.

Did you read the pop-psychology magazine, that said smile all the time?
That if so, everything is fine?
Lies of a neurotic,
if you do not, you will be psychotic,
So, smile and comply with the strange though common sexual advance.

Her smiles...


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Six Poems

Love That Man


but be a lady
in my presence,
because you cannot play the flute with teeth.

It was a pink sky evening, and I felt blue, so I told you to start heavy breathing - on the maroon recliner.


I am going to beat it up... 


Not that it knocked me out...

It made me think

there is something more 
than rape.

(Love that man).


me a milky way 
of creamy white skin
with pink hue
that one time
that I went fridged
in the cold water
oh well
for the blush

A Gnostic Women's Wish


If only we could escape the flesh and let our souls be free - from our flesh.


to those
not saying hello
or being nice.

No those that would 
demean a cajole
or fancy a piffle.

No only those detering
will; conspire
and pervert.

So as to partake the greeting insincerely.

No Goddess

Wiccan mentalism
and peace with my bosom,
there I show cleavage,
and Peter Pan to the night time journey
of bed hopping
and sex jokes:

Never was I natural,
never did I care
to be,
looking at those in natural law
and the witches trying to be

Supernatural woman looks down on man, from the sky, and sees 
only philosophy.

Get drunk
Get high
regret is nigh.

After the rape by environment
of genetics
and your compromised self.

To the psyche
that you share
with the man that stalker
and your stolen underwear.

Puke... Surrender to the night.

Keeping Posture

She sat down
sat up
then laid down
to behold

A Man that Cries is a Man That Feels?

My phallus
is no gun
shooting a woman in the gut.

My phallus
is a tender-loin
a majestic interlude in her butt.

My phallus
is no knife
stabbing a woman
in her womb.

She flys with her legs
spread like wings
knowing it will not be over soon.

My phallus
is no battering ram
in her mouth.

Choking, coughing, and gagging about... Puking and tears of hurting.

No, my phallus is a majestic interlude. That you can be a form fitting pouch and face your fears

as the lengthy work is done.

For now, until, the next - feeling.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor