Emerged Church
The Countercultures church of dismantled mainline institutions, comes the revision of faith. Deconstructing its character and piety for an inclusion of the New Age. Such Catholics and their Postmodern Church are wondering of the spiritual Counter-Reformation and conceiving a replacing of The Church. Catholicism is just another denomination--in a community of no denomination. Not in the traditional sense, but the Emerged Church. Nihilistic call to Sola Scriptura, (The shirt says gues who made the Bible? The Church.) the theologically expounding of the dullard, carnal, worldly is their (mis)understanding. Revelation and inspired tradition is nil; void in the death of history, reason and objectivity. Once established... now dilapidated, although occupied of its relativism.
Can we really find hope, that Christianity in The East are surpassing the membership of those in The West? In Africa, where governance is nearly non-existent. The polar opposites of liberty: license and tyranny prevail. Is the Anglican Church of Nigeria really a consolation regarding the newly formed Missionary Diocese of the Trinity and also an establishment of the Anglican Church of North America of which the latter was made as a response to the secularized Episcopal Church. Or is the Progreesive agenda of Africa Catholicism now turned beacuse they wont submit to the last rah rah -- homosexuality? Are they homophobes afraid they are going to touch a penis? Can they really be a worthwhile endeavor? Why can't Western reactionaries bring this mission of the gospel and church? They already did. Aside from that, hope in such African stewardship is welcomed. Because the vast majority of The West is self-defeated and its institutions are absent of us reactionaries..?
Regarding other Anglican concerns: the postmodern Anglo-Catholic seems to be Catholic indeed. Now finally shedding its disguise and rationalizations, asking for communion with Roman Catholicism, then staying in the Anglican Communion to subvert. As noted before, the Episcopal Church faction -- a champion of the Counterculture and socialists 'social justice' -- still to this day contributing to Western upheaval as it destroys any sentiment of past Western piety and society. Yet those that make the mistake of attributing certain aptitude as merely Western fail to see that autonomy and its individualism are components of Protestantism in Asia and Africa as well. Although they prefer to bring pre-Christian identity to the fold. The Church is real and was transferred by the Reformation, regardless of European concerns. Such concerns not existing until such; despite humanist ventures of which came after us Protestants. Autonomy in the postmodern Western mind is profaned in/of the secular, as individualism becomes delinquency and liberty -- license. The absence of liberty prevails even in free countries of an open market, shocking to those equating such with liberty. Freedom in Christ is liberty, the only social gospel.
The Emergent Church takes its ecumenism in the past-tense, and finds that the academic classification of Christianity to be literally -- an idea or state of mind, so to soeak. Where a postmodern believer thinks Protestantism is making gain in Mexico and South America, because of the growth of Apostolics/oness Pentecosatls. Biasness is near extinct; except for the anarchic anti-clericalism although not effecting the special fondness for Pope Franics? Where The Priesthood of all Believers is given to motivational speaker, pop-psychology clerics--marketing their post-Protestant and pso-Catholic character mixed with all the cross-cultural borrowing & one-worldism of some inter-faith 'church'. Christ-- no God of exclusion, but a member of a pantheon, shared with the Ha-Shem and Kali. Where the Eastern Orthodox are closer to the original church because they have lived in isolation and subordination,now growing in popularity due to the internet. These Western (western meaning as least at one time Christian) postmodernists in the form of he post-Protestant wonder with disinterest 'the true faith' to either Catholicism or Eastern Orthodox (i don't think taht the Oriental Orthodox have the historical pull). While Catholics continue their dead American gospel or if European, have a romantic setting of past lore. And postmodern mega-churches, and non-denominational 'house churches' wont satisfy the hunger of the spiritually starving. But do they know that they are starving?
Western man-kind rejects his own emergent church. It lacks, because he/she lacks. In abstraction, this church, and its congregation is conceived--just like the theology of Rob Bell. Various false teachings prevail: A prosperity doctrine that claims if you are in God's grace, wealth and other socialite activity will come. Positive thinking, this goes back to Norman Vincent Peale, Joel Osteens father. The positivist neurosis thinks (or feels prior to thinking) that God is devoid of reason, an emotional sap, of whimzied pretended emotional feeling. Lest he becomes other-wise, which is not grace. The promiscuous agenda of the Countercultures Emerging Church is of a society that finds 'judging' to be bigoted (a bad thing), as if no one had any convictions. Due to the fruits of this emerged church's spirit, in regards to its piety and governance -- the Catholic Church is left to promote moral standards, as they pertain to Christian activism with a Marxian social gospel (outside of the United States) or a Natural Law Party advocacy.
The indifference and promiscuity isn't just akin to postmodern non-denominational churches, whether mega or otherwise, but what is left of the Mainline as well. "Just Christian" and "I believe/read just the Bible" is their declaration for an ill-defined Christianity, of the dullards theological expounding, where the T.V. cleric is the theologian or none at all. If you have read or heard a preachers concern for the Emerging/Postmodern Church. Remind them such a thing has already rooted, grown and flourished. Remote in Christ and also in affinity with Christendom. Many in the institutional churches are the ones that do not know their place on the fringe. Because they do not realize the majority of their congregations are also postmodern? Either that, or they are spiritually naive in their fellowship.
One should ask themselves: are they too in the Emerged/Postmodern Church as well?
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