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Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 2, 2011 - 12:49
Word is Sir Jared Taylor B.M.O.C. has called off the American Renaissance Conference for the second year in a row.
My advice to Taylor would be to show up at the hotel Friday and Saturday with some friends & subscribers, a bull horn, and flyers telling WHITE people why they should not stay there.
Of course Taylor won’t.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by edward gibbon on February 2, 2011 - 13:38.
Of all the tough-talking conservatives I have spoken with not one American will dare confront Jews openly. The only exception was British, David Irving. All others wish to retain their lifeline regardless of how many Americans and others will die to satisfy the interests of Jews and Israel.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 2, 2011 - 14:04.
Here’s Taylor’s big chance to be a White Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.
Get some signs, flyers, a bull horn or two, and make yourself heard.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 2, 2011 - 14:40.
White … Group Considers Suing Charlotte
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Sertorius on February 2, 2011 - 14:52.
James Edwards is right. Free speech is dead.
‘From knowledge to competence it is a big step; from ignorance to competence, a bigger one still.’ HANS VON SEECKT
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 2, 2011 - 15:04.
We Will Fight — and Stream — On! by Richard Spencer:
I just sent out this release on behalf of Under the circumstances, we should count our holding of a virtual conference to be a small victory.
The 2011 American Renaissance conference has been cancelled.
(2) I hope Jared Taylor will not file suit. If he did, any judge would almost certainly give the opposing counsel broad latitude in the “discovery” process, which means that AR’s subscriber and donor records, and even the IP addresses of the people who post comments on their website, would fall into the hands of our enemies. It is simply naive to think that AR can get justice in the court system.
(3) It is unfortunate, but I think it highly unlikely that AR will be able to put on another conference. How many people are likely to be willing to set aside the time, make the plans, and shell out the money for the second or third time with the prospect of another cancellation hanging over their heads?
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 2, 2011 - 16:06.
The Futility of Dissidence
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by roho on February 2, 2011 - 18:01.
He Guys…..Reality Check:
“Skinny white geeks make lousy culture warriors!”
And Klansmen were not skinny white geeks.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by okieredust on February 2, 2011 - 18:33.…
by Richard Spencer
I’ve just created a blog about the AmRen fiasco, “Whiteout,”( which will offer daily commentary on the attacks on Jared Taylor and the 2011 American Renaissance conference, as well as, more generally, the attempts by public officials and left-wing groups to stifle free expression regarding racial differences and European identity. Enjoy!
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 2, 2011 - 19:23.
The hotel calls the shots. Taylor can’t strong arm the hotel it would make no sense. The conference is still online. It’s the info that matters not the location.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 2, 2011 - 20:38.
If Taylor were serious, he would be at the Charlotte Airport Sheraton Friday & Saturday raising hell like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and demanding that he be given the accomodations that he had contracted for.
Threatening a national boycott of the Sheraton Hotel chain etc.
Signs, flyers, bull horns…telling White men to say “No” to the Sheraton.
But, Taylor won’t…he will take it in the ass like a punk.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 2, 2011 - 21:04.
That’s because Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would run into a brickwall over and over and over again. The hotel broke the contract, Taylor will probably sue them. I’m not worried about it. I paid ten bucks to watch it online and it’s still being broadcast online. It will probably be the same speakers just online. Not a big deal. Nobody caved in except the hotel. Taylor can’t control the hotel. Picketing and acting like belligerent blacks is not intelligent. We are going to win back the country by playing it smart and having honor not caving in to the same tactics the minorities use.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 2, 2011 - 21:15.
“Each scheduled talk will be remotely web-cast and filmed in high definition for subsequent download” that’s from the email I got about the conference being cancelled but will still be online. Good enough for me.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 2, 2011 - 21:21.
I’m also going to watch. Really, more people might be watching this year as a result.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 2, 2011 - 22:05.
Who works for Sheraton? You or your mother? LOL.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 2, 2011 - 22:27.
Are you a part of the problem guy? or apart of the solution? You want to cause fractional division amongst those fighting for similar ends? go ahead but don’t cry like an infant about how someone caved in or how there is no unity among whites. I am for solidarity and unity amongst my people.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 2, 2011 - 22:32.
We Haven’t Been Defeated!
These are exciting times. We are going through the fire as an ethnos, as a people and a group of peoples. We came from Europe to the lands where we are now with a tradition now this is being put to the test. We could come out of this dark period of history stronger, more fortified and our values refined like gold in the furnace.
There was a time when the Gauls commanded by Brennus had sacked Rome. He threw his sword on the scales and proclaimed “Vae Victus” or in English “woe to the conquered”. What did Rome do after they paid off this barbarian and he went away. They built the walls of the city far higher and much thicker. They became more highly organized and disciplined. Livy wrote this over two millennia ago. History repeats itself except this time we have not been defeated. We suffered have a minor set back in the past 40 years but it can be corrected in a much shorter time.
We have to pay off no one. We are still the majority. If we can awaken an awareness of who we are historically, culturally, genetically and spiritually we can have all the hope in the world but we need to band together. This thing needs to get started and if need be we should be as resolute as Leonidas and the 300 Spartans who gave their lives as a sacrifice to awaken their fellow Greeks.
Betrayal and treachery cannot happen. White liberals should be viewed as much as the enemy as the others. There can be no backstabbing. Unit cohesion and organizational fortitude is of the utmost importance in this fight for our survival and hopefully for our triumph to be greater than we have seen yet in history.
There are still 209.9 million Americans of European ancestry in this country. If they begin to wake up family by family, house by house things can change very easily. If alternative media sources out maneuver the mainstream media and Hollywood is replaced by conservative independent films we could win this in less than a decade with the rapid rate technology changes society. We need new theatres, new news sources. Our people need access to the truth about history and current events.
Once we expel all of the traitors, all of the bandits and all of the barbarians we can fortify our society like the Romans did and we will come out of this period of testing stronger, safer and more powerful than ever before. Our walls will be stronger and higher. God willing we can rise again and to greater heights but we need to respect our Creator first and foremost.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by okieredust on February 2, 2011 - 22:43.
If Taylor were serious, he would be at the Charlotte Airport Sheraton Friday & Saturday raising hell like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and demanding that he be given the accomodations that he had contracted for.
Threatening a national boycott of the Sheraton Hotel chain etc.
Signs, flyers, bull horns…telling White men to say “No” to the Sheraton.
But, Taylor won’t…he will take it in the ass like a punk.
That’s silly. Not in principle, but just cause it wouldn’t work for Jared. It only works for Al and Jesse because the NY Times and Washington Post, etc. immediately broadcast everything they do nationally. Taylor only gets attention on Fox from purported DHS memos.
I do agree though it seems stupid for Taylor and co. not to have learned a thing from last year. They say the definition of insanity is repeating a failed tactic with no change. Taylor, Spencer etc. don’t seem like the brightest bulbs at this point.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Whitey Lawful (not verified) on February 2, 2011 - 22:56.
I want to cause division; because i do not appreciate white (inter)nationalism. I champion individual autonomy over a racial herd. I being Americentric — seek preservation of white America and all that embody the personality of the Nativism keen only to us — from a one-worldism of eurocentricism. If you think commonality is simply white-caucasian appearence then you are decieved. Is you brother of such a cause — the Mohammedan of Eastern Europe? Then perhaps the caucasian of the mid-east are your brethren in the White International? Do not forget the complex caucasians of the Hindustan area as well. Do you see your fallacy oh naziesque? I reject the Papist as my ally in a cause that has undermined my white Protestant supremacy. Now that my culture is popularly dwindled and now marginal — you seek representation with those that helped destroy it: the Papist and the post-counterculture pagans. The foreigners amongst us use the term —‘european-american’— because they have no affinity with us.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 3, 2011 - 07:06.
This is the second year in a row that Taylor has rolled over, and played dead without a fight, and let leftoid & jewish radicals shutdown a very respectable meeting of White men.
There is nothing radical or threatening about American Renaissance. If anything Amren is as some have called it a “mommy prof” organization—-lots of nice well reseached, and, sourced statistics about race in America.
Taylor’s at a crossroads here, either he goes after Sheraton Hotels, and the people responsible for shutting down a peaceful meeting of White men—-or he should just drop all pretense of being a White Man.
I realize Taylor has his Ivy League, and, his Jewboy pals, do they want to take it in the ass too?
What a bunch of sissies.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 00:11.
A White Internationalism and a Euro-centric racial herd would steer us away from the current Marxist Judeo-African tyranny of arbitrary law and suppression of free speech and towards the rule of law, constitutional law. It may not be ideal but it would be a foot in the right direction. The numbers are what we need. If a band of African savages approached your home and your brother had become a Catholic would you not join together to neutralize the threat to your habitation. It is not illogical to stand divided while all of our inheritances are under attack?
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 00:16.
If you saw a Chinese army on the horizon would you not band together with your neighbor even if they were an Armenian apostolic or Orthodox?
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Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 3, 2011 - 00:39.
I’ve proposed an alternative of nation-states generally banding together athwart multi-ethnic empires. WL just thinks we’re all Nazis, lol.
I’m generally inclined towards Europeans, of course. But I don’t like the Imperium idea. I just want some free white state in the US made up mostly by folks like me.
I also want Britain to remain British (not European), France French, Germany German, etc.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by okieredust on February 3, 2011 - 01:06.
That American Renaissance Conference—And The War Against Whites (
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 3, 2011 - 05:38.
I like this by you:
Once we expel all of the traitors, all of the bandits and all of the barbarians we can fortify our society like the Romans did and we will come out of this period of testing stronger, safer and more powerful than ever before. Our walls will be stronger and higher.
I have the same view. There’s clearly something wrong with Europeans, culturally. This crisis forces us to resolve the problem, if indeed it can be resolved.
Specifically, we’ll have to better define what we are, will have to develop exclusive ethnonationalism. In a shrinking world, such is requisite for survival. Also, we’ll have to resolve the tendency towards a managerial state and general degeneracy. That last part might prove too difficult. Many have said a Romulus would be needed to reestablish a conservative order - to free us from the Enlightenment.
Anyway, what you say reg. numbers is very apt. I’d love for us all to help one another. I just don’t like empire, which would mean we’d be apt to fight one another, unfortunately. Regardless, we’d retain things more lasting and valuable.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Whitey Lawful (not verified) on February 3, 2011 - 08:47.
20.2vision — you are not a Paleoconservative but a white (inter)nationalist and i despise you. I despise you not—that white supremacy is something you espouse; but as something you espouse perversely. Take your foreign ideology and supposed eurocentric character to Europe. Your question regarding African savages and Catholics shows how bleak you are and race obsessed. Why should i befriend a Papist as my cultural ally against an African Savage? To answer your question — i would reject them both…equally. You and yours (the one with the misleading name) are a dime-a-dozen on the board called Stormfront.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by PennDutch on February 3, 2011 - 08:50.
@ 20.2vision
20.2vision is obviously delusional. He thinks he is a leader of the “Europeans” here to lecture us backward White Americans with his European wisdom. LOL.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 09:13.
The way I see it the synagogue of satan as well as the savages see us as a lump sum (white) and they strongly desire to see us exterminated, all of us Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox etc. Whether we are Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Latin, etc. they want us to be either slaves or dead. This puts us in a strange position one of mutual threat and possible extermination. United we stand and conquer, divided we fall. We have strength in an organized mass. The synagogue has a relatively sophisticated method of attempting destroy us while the savages have a very unsophisticated animalistic and cannibalistic method. They though culturally and racially worlds apart are united against us wherever you find them, we need to unite against them. It would be a return to civility and rule of law.
I agree Native American that nation states should band together. Ethnically white populations all over the world should support other white populations keeping their societies the way they should be. White Nationalist in the US should support the Afrikaners who are being exterminated. The BNP should support the Sweden democrats. Kinship I think is the issue. If one of us is under threat the other that is not should help out. It might not be that bad an idea of flooding countries that are on the brink of white extinction like south africa with temporary military support to get their country back in order. They built the country and now they are being subverted because of the treachery of the west. Their soldiers who fought the communists in Angola were told by the CIA you’re fighting for the free world then a short amount of years later Henry Kissenger shows up and strong arms them to go to savage rule. South Africa was the strongest state on the continent militarily and now they don’t even have a basic rule of law.
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Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 09:18.
Is it delusional to want to win? I’m not trying to school anyone this is just my two cents.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 09:20.
Why not David Duke in 2012?
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Whitey Lawful (not verified) on February 3, 2011 - 10:29.
That really tops it: David Duke in 2012. Let the internationalist David Duke wave his postmodern flag of white civil rights to dullards with such an absense of white American character — that they cannot even give the proper Ku Klux Klan salute.
If anyone recalls the defeat of the term european-american as absurd political correctness in the 90’s; you will surely hold such a phraze in disdain today.
Submitted by PennDutch on February 2, 2011 - 12:49
Word is Sir Jared Taylor B.M.O.C. has called off the American Renaissance Conference for the second year in a row.
My advice to Taylor would be to show up at the hotel Friday and Saturday with some friends & subscribers, a bull horn, and flyers telling WHITE people why they should not stay there.
Of course Taylor won’t.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 11:17.
I don’t know what you are talking about. I am for reconquest not exclusivism and division. We will triumph with unity, plain and simple.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 11:20.
No one used the term european-american on this thread except you. I said Americans with European ancestry. Do you not have Ancestors and forefathers buried in Europe? Do you not think that has any relevance?
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 3, 2011 - 17:35.
20.2vision, it’s fine. Some of the disagreements were mere misunderstandings.
You were unintentionally a little rude is all. No one wants to be lectured to; and this is an older, seasoned group who deserve more respect.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Whitey Lawful (not verified) on February 3, 2011 - 19:54.
20.2vision take your unity and inclusion to heck. Your forefathers and ancestors in Europe missed the boat. Some of them that did not — should of drowned at sea. I’ll say it again…No—they have no relevence, i am Americentric: A Nativist. My understanding of Americanism — transcends race as well. Although i am quite aware that: the bulk of minorities have refused their distinction, or their potential distinction. Claiming such autonomy is too much for those overwhelmed — by the impression of supremacism — too bare. ‘Native American’ — i am not in need of more respect, nor am i ‘seasoned’.
If one does not step in the New World, then they walk in the Old World.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 3, 2011 - 20:36.
Whitey, you’re not the only poster here though.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 20:51.
If we remain dis unified than those of a tribal nature will move as a mass on individuals. We must be of a tribal nature and a massive tribe we would be. We are indeed a people amongst the peoples of the earth. Why is “Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and Europe for everyone?” How can individuals disrupt the multicultural agenda? The only way I see to live with dignity in this madness is to band together nationally and internationally according to kinship and take back our lands and return to a rule of law. All the children of Japheth as far as they can be determined genetically should be unified according to their family,tribe, clan and nation and helping one another defend the civilizations they created as much as they can.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 20:58.
The United States through and through is a civilization designed and created by transplanted Europeans. To sever historical ties with European cultures and civilizations is to say that history started 230 years ago. You may have the New World only I will take the Old and the New World.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 3, 2011 - 21:05.
Whitey try stepping into any prison and denying alignment upon race and kinship. It would not go well for you.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Whitey Lawful (not verified) on February 3, 2011 - 23:38.
20.2vision — you are a delinquent and your racialist criminal mindedness is utterly authoritarian. You are a Nazi and a proper social setting for you is prison.
Individuals like you need to be imprisoned, lest the world becomes a prison.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 4, 2011 - 00:08.
I’ve previously linked to an Afrikaner Calvinist sermon. And more than a few of us are kinists or fans of kinists (like CWNY and SWB).
If you’d like to influence folks, perhaps by posting one message that’d be read by most; then I recommend authoring a blog post.
I’d love to see more than one as well.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Fran on February 4, 2011 - 07:20.
I’ve read the responses on this thread and find your antidotes very unrealistic. IMO (smile) But why not let the dreamers dream….it’s all in fun anyway. After all, it’s just a forum for expression. Knock yourselves out.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. Edmund Burke
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 4, 2011 - 09:16.
Native American Thanks for the links. Those are great sites. I believe kinism is the most normal way to align ones self. It’s simply an extension of family and actual distant blood relatives. They try with great fervor to put it in our heads that our blood is meaningless and association based upon our kinship is a relic of the past but I would propose that it may be the way to a future of stability and repossession of our inheritance. Wilmot Robertson’s great grandchildren may one day be able to write “The repossessed majority” if kinship could take off.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 4, 2011 - 09:28.
Native American I agree with you also about the degenerate nature of the west and the heinousness of the current ethical situation. I think the level of decadence in the west is perhaps unprecedented in all of history because of technology. I read some of the prophets a while back and one of the key themes that rings our clear as day is that moral degeneracy leads to tyranny and slavery at the hands of aliens. This is in my humble opinion exactly what is happening in the west at this very hour. This moral degeneracy is posssilby, particuarly, exactly why the west has for the most part thrown kinship to the wind and opened their borders, given seats of power and given their money to for lack of a better word to aliens.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by Native American on February 4, 2011 - 10:19.
another cause of the West’s decline is the managerial state. You should read this by Francis. I currently call myself a distributist largely as a result of Francis and Burnham, as well as Chesterton.
Btw, I was just mentioned at AltRight (I post in comments occasionally there as BloodSoilNative)
I didn’t think I’d agree much with Sobran the anarchist, but that author… makes me curious. I sure love Chesterton. I haven’t read much Sobran, but I’m not an anarchist, surely. I did subscribe to his publication at one time, but it didn’t suit me.
Links. Quotes. Economics. Sam Francis explains Managerial Elite Theory.
[Modern nations] seem ready for extinction by the first rude barbarian who says, “I will.”
- Richard Weaver
That American Renaissance Conference—And The War Against Whites
Submitted by okieredust on February 4, 2011 - 11:14.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 4, 2011 - 11:16.
Shouldn’t have said “degenerate nature” but “present degenerate state”
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by roho on February 5, 2011 - 13:36.
“Activisim” and “Whining” are not the same thing. Until a leader rises up that can put a “Million White People” on the Washington Mall demonstrating, nothing will change…………Egypt just proved that.
Re: Taylor Punks Out
Submitted by 20.2vision on February 5, 2011 - 20:48.
I agree we need to hit the streets in force with a message that we will rule again.
end here (updated)